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A fellow teacher asked. “Mr. Karrer, would you like some Star fruit for your kids?”

      She smiled and sliced pieces 1/10 inch thick as she tossed them in a huge green, plastic container.

      “Sure. That would do the trick for a quick English lesson on description. Make them write - what does a Star fruit taste like?”

       “Exactly.” She smiled again as she passed me the bowl. “You give them to your kids first. Then send them over to me.”

       “Thanks a lot. Oh, where are they from?  So I can tell the kids.”


       “Okay.” But a little encyclopedia of useless information in my head said. Taiwan…I don’t think so.

       I walked to class, cradling the bowl. Thirty four kids waited, mostly lined up, a few dawdled in puddles. They perked up when they spotted me.   

       “Okay,” I said, “If you want to munch on a cool fruit, exotic fruit. Straight line and let’s go.”

        Playful Carla stopped before me as the rest of the kids filed past, “Miiister Karrer, what’s… exotic?”

        “Strange. Different. Like you.” A few kids nearby chuckled.

       “Oh, Miiister Karrer.” She retorted as she headed into the room. “Since you are teasing me can I hand out de’ fruity things?”

        “Star fruit.”

        “Okay, de…’ Star fruit.”

        “One each. Got it?”  I said as I passed the bowl to her.

        “I gots it.”

         I stared at her…”GOTS?”

        She put a hand over her mouth and giggled. “Got… Mr. Karrer…got.”

        Carla handed them out and I made a bee-line to the computer.  “Kids you chomp on those and think about the taste. You’re going to write a one paragraph descriptive essay.”

      A moan rose from the class.

     “Okaaaaay!” I said, “If you want a one-pager instead?  No problem for me.”

      A chorus chimed back in a mono tone, “One paragraph is good.”

      I sat at the computer.  “I just want to give you more information about the fruit.”

      I booted it up and Star fruit showed up in no time. Facts about Star Fruit, caught my eye and I googled it.


Star Fruit - Carambola

Originally from Sri Lanka…  bla bla bla…


Star fruit causes several symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure or end-stage renal disease. The symptoms vary and include insomnia, intractable hiccups, agitation, muscle weakness, confusion, consciousness disturbances of various degrees, seizures, and cardio-respiratory arrest. Because no effective treatment is currently available, patients— especially those who are newly diagnosed with chronic renal failure or end-stage renal disease must be warned not to ingest star fruit, even in small amounts.


Juan!   I spun in my seat…  I stared at Juan Mendoza. He caught me looking, licked his fingers, rubbed his stomach, patted it, and smiled.

   Just take a wild guess who had their favorite NFL player call him on the phone two weeks ago? Guess why? Because my eleven–year-old Juan Mendoza is one with the Make-A-Wish Foundation because one of his kidney’s doesn’t function at all and the working one kicks in at 12%.  Juan is waiting for a kidney.

      “Juan. You and I need to go to the office, now! Carla, the class is yours.”

     Do you run and freak the kid? No, you don’t. Not a total run, but you haul. You haul because of the last line …”must be warned not to ingest star fruit even in small amounts.”

     We made it to the office. “Juan, go sit in the room over there.”   He sat and I shut the door behind him. I cornered a secretary.  “Get a hold of the principal ASAP.”

I check on Juan.  He’s happy as a lark. Humming to himself.   Principal showed up in thirty seconds. I explained. She asks, “Let me see the website.” And adds   “Looks like you are correct.”   She’s cool as a cucumber. That’s why we love her. “Ummm,” she said, “We better call Stanford. I just happen to know the kidney specialists.  We’ll watch him.”

     I gave her a smile of understanding, but I’m not sure what my face produced.

     My principal later told me she called Stanford and they had never heard that the Star fruit impacted kidneys. They put her on hold and spoke to her within a minute.. ”Apparently you are absolutely correct. We learned something here today. How’s the child?”


      “Keep an eye on him can we lnd  helicopter  on your site?”



     Turned out no need for a helicopter.  There is more than one kind of Star Fruit. Eleven-year old Juan Mendoza was and is fine. He came to school the next day with a big, fat grin on his mug.  “Wow… Mr. Karrer. You know when we went up to the office. I never seen you run so fast. Even when we do laps.”

     I poked him and he beamed as I said, “No more Star fruit for you EVER.”

     “Duh Mr. Karrer.  Duh. Cuz’ you might get a heart attack.”

       Yeah…I just might one of these days. Just might…

Paul H Karrer 2016

All Rights Reserved


Website Designed by

Annie DK Lee

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